Thursday, June 22, 2017

Finding Your Voice

It took a complete stranger to lead me back a place I love, my blog. I've never really had a direction for Cassandra's Corner. I'm not a fashion blog, mother's blog, or political blog. When I started this blog, I was fascinated with sharing my thoughts. My life has always been an open book, so why not share with anyone who is interested? But the more I blogged and began to follow other bloggers, I felt pressured to find a lane or niche.

Then yesterday happened. Yesterday, a person I was meeting for the first time said she loved my blog posts. I was taken off-guard. I hadn't blogged in so long I almost forgot I had one. She continued by saying which ones she particularly liked and why she enjoyed them. As I listened to her, I couldn't understand why I'd deserted blogging. Sure, life with two kids has been crazy and I think I have shared previously that I'm not balancing all that well. But if I am honest with myself, the true answer is I don't make time for it. You see I honestly felt I had nothing to say. I lost my voice. 

So, I logged in today and went to the two posts this stranger loved and I read them. I read them with open eyes and an open heart. I allowed the words to wash over me and was amazed at the story and honesty behind those words. In that moment, I realized I hadn't lost my voice. I silenced it. I fell victim to chasing the wrong the thing and abandoned what made me want to blog in the first place.  So, I don't care if I ever gain another follower and I don't care how many people read each post. I'm just here to share. Just know that my voice is unashamed, honest, vulnerable, and bold all at the same time.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Saying Goodbye to President Obama

On the eve of the inauguration of President-Elect Trump, I find myself watching interviews of the Obamas and feeling like the first time I watched the Friends series finale. I feel like an era has ended, one I knew could not last but never thought of the day when it would. He was the first time the candidate I voted for won the presidency; so, he has truly felt like my president and not just the president.

Since his speech at the DNC while still a senator, I have believed in and supported him. When I read Audacity of Hope, I knew I wanted him to be my president. I like many others felt that maybe he ran too soon in 2008 but God knew better. I watched election night on needles and felt my heart swell when it was announced he won. I watched his inauguration and was overcome with emotions I didn't know I had.

The past eight years have not been perfect but I still feel they have been great. My family and my career grew over the past eight years, and although not every moment has been ideal I have never lost hope. No matter the circumstance, rhetoric, and craziness occurring throughout our nation, the Obamas always seemed hopeful. I think this hope spread to many of us.

It has been a joy to watch both President Obama and First Lady Obama. Their warmth and love for people radiated in everything they did. I never felt so connected to a president or first lady as I did the two of them.

Now, I'm sure it's not secret I didn't vote for Trump. I actually loathe the man. I'm not fearful of him or his presidency, but I do fear the future. We, THE PEOPLE, empower a president. The problem lately is I don't trust us as a people. At some point we became mean. We stopped trying to unify and began looking out for self or preserving our self interests. It's sad to watch and as a minority frightening to think of the possibilities.

Hitler was able to do the atrocities he did because the country was in a hurtful, divided place. When he took over and demonized the Jews, the rest of the German population turned a blind eye because they were too wrapped up in self to care or realize what was happening. Many of them were frustrated with things in their country and easily bought into the propaganda that the Jews were to blame. Is Trump Hitler, no. Are we Germany circa 1930, no. But when I hear how we have demonized Muslims and immigrants in this country and the "fake news" that permeates our media, it's all too close for comfort.

So, to my Trump supporters and for those that feel I need to get on board you have to give me a moment. It was hard for me to accept that I would only see Friends through reruns and my DVDs, that there will never be a new "the one where..." episode. It will take me a while to embrace this new president, but I will because I love this country. But please believe I will not turn a blind eye to anything and he will have to earn the sentiment of my president. I didn't vote for him and I don't trust him or the parade of characters he has presented as a part of his administration. On January 20th he will become the president and I will wait, hope, and pray that he earns the title my president.