The funniest thing that has come out of the past few months is the relationship between the cub and the dog. Now I have heard the saying a boy and his dog but I never really understood until now. Not only that but I didn't expect a true relationship to blossom between those two until the cub was like four. Boy was I wrong. Those two act like siblings. They argue over toys, the window, the couch, and daddy time. As usual no one cares about mommy time, everything is about the daddy. The cub is usually the instigator in the baby puppy wars. He doesn't seem to understand that like him Pancho has his own set of toys. So...anytime Pancho plays with his squeaky ball the cub gets excited and takes the ball to throw it. Well...Pancho doesn't feel like playing fetch so he interprets this as the cub taking his toy and he just sits there upset. Then...the cub gets upset because the dog didn't chase and fetch the ball. It's hilarious as I write it but in action this is a full on sibling rivalry happening in my house. The window. Both the cub and the dog like standing up in the over sized chair by the living room window and looking at the cars and people passing by. Well....when Pancho does this he usually barks at everything that passes our window. Due to the fact that Pancho rarely barks the cub is always frightened when he does. Add the close proximity to the dog and you have a completely freaked out toddler. Toddler starts to cry which in turn freaks out the dog. The only time this doesn't happen is when the cub comes and evicts the dog from the chair. He has learned that the word "down" commands Pancho to get down from the couch or any piece of furniture. So...the cub now yells down to Pancho quite often but especially when he wants the over sized chair and window all to himself. How do I teach the two of them to share? The cub calls Pancho two things, dog and woof woof. Whenever I come home from work and ask the cub about his the words dog and woof woof are repeated several times during his rant. He is apparently telling on Pancho for doing something.
The cub has also began defining our roles. It was always clear that daddy's role was playtime. This is even more evident now that the cub is running a talking more. He and daddy sword fight. Now the cub doesn't actually have any swords so this game is usually played with his toy golf clubs or the tool pieces to the vacuum cleaner. We don't know where he learned this game but it's one he loves to play. Mommy's role is obviously to kiss scrapes, remove boogies, and watch movies. We always read a book with the cub at bedtime. The tradition was to alternate readers each night. Well....the cub only likes for daddy to read Brown Bear Brown Bear. Apparently, he likes the animal noises the daddy make better than the mommy. more alternating. The cub usually picks the book then picks which parent he wants to read it. Toddlers are hilarious. There is just no other word for it other than hilarious. Anyways, stay tuned for more updates ;) and enjoy the little video clip. I trimmed it down from a longer video just so you can see the cub terrorize the dog then the beginning of a tantrum because he wants the dog's toy.