Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More Responsibilities=Less Balance

I always laughed at celebrities when their response to how does it feel to be a new mom was I'm learning to find a balance. Well I'm no celebrity but boy does this balance thing get tricky. I've recently acquired more responsibilities at work, which is naturally demanding on my time. I find myself rushing home barely making it in time to play and spend time with my precious cub. I feel myself missing him and I squeeze him with hugs every time I walk through the door. If you've been following my blog you know I've been fortunate to have help from one of  my mothers. Well I say that to say I don't know how mother's without the additional help do it. Let's just say that dinner is made, the house is clean, and laundry is maintained because my mother has picked up my slack. Without her my house would look like a garbage dump, laundry would never be done, and my husband and I would live off take out. Earlier this year I resolved to working out and getting fit. This lasted two months. I have not worked out since the last week in February. Needless to say the two inches I lost in my waist are back with a vengeance. I wore a dress the other day and I swear I thought I was pregnant again and at least six months pregnant at that. Do I have to say UNACCEPTABLE? I won't even go into detail on how I've taken advantage of my poor sweet husband. I thank God for the patience he instilled in that man. I don't know if I've mentioned how patient my husband is. You know how you meet people that are the most compassionate or the most giving? Well, my husband is the most patient person you will ever meet and I know God designed him with me in mind because it takes a lot to deal with me. If you have anything less than the patience of Christ you will find yourself upset with me often. I've gotten off track though so back to this balance thing. How to do it all? I'm open for any recommendations from those of you that have managed to conquer this. Some thoughts I have that will help:
1) Create a schedule and stick to it. I'm thinking I need to actually devote certain days and times of the month to various tasks i.e. laundry every Saturday morning. I've tried this once before but somehow I was always thrown off by this event or that but I realize that maybe I need to treat these commitments as just that COMMITMENTS. So, I cannot cancel these events.
2) Learn more crock pot and quick meal recipes. I first need to get a cook book. Every time I go to the cookbook aisle I'm overwhelmed by the selections then I start questioning whether the recipes are any good. I hate recipes that call for items you never have in your house like dill or mustard seeds. I have mustard but never mustard seeds. Oh and flat leaf parsley, they only sell those things by like the barrel and I always end up wasting them because recipes only want like two pinches from the barrel.
3) Start saying No at work or at least tell them my limitations. Too often when I asked if I can have something done by the end of the day I reply sure. From now on, if it will prevent me from getting home at a decent time, I'm going to say no. If my child were in daycare I wouldn't have this flexibility and I would have to commit to a reasonable schedule. Most importantly I want and need this time with him. He's only five months old.

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