Monday, January 3, 2011

Just Getting Started

It's the new year so I have decided to start this blogging project. I don't really have any big or great reason to start other than I think the idea of sharing my random thoughts and feelings with cyberspace is pretty cool. I got the idea of "Cassandra's Corner" from my best friend. In high school whenever my friends would ask for my advice they would say " I need Cassandra's Corner". When we passed notes in class we would put it at the top of the note if it was one asking for advice. I felt the title befitting since I intend to randomly share my thoughts and opinions with any interested to read.

So today I went back to work after a blissful holiday break. Needless to say getting back into the routine was a little rocky. The Husband, as I adoringly call him, and I got out the house late today. This is usually the custom, however,  we left later than usual. Today is trash day so we were delayed by first gathering all the boxes and junk we have from the holidays and painting the house this weekend. Then I couldn't find my cell phone, which happens way too often. You'll see that I lose that thing at least twice a day daily. I found the phone and got in the car when I realized I left my homemade smoothie on the counter, so I had to go back in the house to get it then we were off. Oh, did I mention the Husband I carpool to work. Of course I forgot to take something out to cook for dinner so Mexican it is. I love Mexican food so believe me when I say I'm glad I forgot to take something out for dinner. I got to work and answered a call from my mother which led to a disagreement. Not a good start to the day.

As is to be expected I had a ton of emails to sift through and a ton of tasks to complete due to my almost two weeks absence from work. I spent most of the day focused on my various tasks but let's be honest I couldn't stay one hundred percent focused. Five o'clock came too fast and too slow depending on how you want to look at it. It was too fast for me to complete all I needed to do and too slow because all I wanted to do is get home. With almost two weeks out I am not ready for all this work so fast.

Sitting here blabbering about my day has been quite refreshing. I'm looking forward to what tomorrow will bring for me to share.

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