Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Poopy Monster

So my cub is officially the poopy monster. Since his birth there were a few things that I feared happening. The first is him rolling off the sofa or bed or something. This somehow always happens where a parent turns away for a quick second only to spin around in lightening speed in response to the high shrills of their precious one as he hits the floor. Sad to say this has already happened and when it did I almost jumped out my skin. My little cub cried harder than I have ever heard him and I swear he gave me a "you let this happen to me and I am so disappointed" look. It tore my heart to pieces. He was fine. I learned that day that my cub could roll over. The other fear was tripping down the stairs while holding him. THANKFULLY this has not happened but every once in a while I get nervous as we climb the stairs. Now, this may seem strange but the last one is him pooping while in the tub. I know, I know of all things to fret over. One day I had an epiphany that he cannot control his bowels, hence the need for a diaper. I don't know if this is normal and he will undoubtedly hate me for this once he is older, but my cub tinkles every night in his bath water. He makes the cutest face too when he does it and you can tell he is totally relaxed. Well, my fear happened the other night while bathing the cub. We were completely done and about to take him out of the bath when out of nowhere I heard a toot sound. I was closing the cap on his shampoo so my back was to him. While still facing the other way I said "son you better not poop in your bath water". Right as I said this my husband laughs and says "oh no". I turn around to find my son pooping. So let me try to paint this picture. My son has the bath lounge thing pictured below.

As you can  imagine he relaxes and lay back while we bathe him. As babies do, he usually kicks his legs around. So, when the pooping commenced my cub was lounging back kicking his legs about essentially spreading the poop. Needless to say we had to call in reinforcements. The Abuela came to help clean the disaster while we transitioned him to the bathroom sink for a second cleaning. The next day following the bath incident my cub had another poop incident. Apparently, the volume was more than the diaper could contain and I'm sure I don't have to finish the statement. You get the picture. This morning I did my usual routine of saying good morning to my cub and kissing all over him. I love going to his crib first thing in the morning because he gives me the best smile and it sets the perfect tone for my day. Well he gave me my smile then it was quickly replaced with the furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes. Then came the grunt. I immediately knew it was happening, the poop. I tried to love on him but he could not be disturbed; he was focused on his task at hand. It kind of made me chuckle on the inside as I thought to myself I truly have a poopy monster.

Pepita except his is red, black and yellow
 Quick Antonio Updates:
He is getting so much better at sitting up with support and prefers this at all times. You absolutely cannot cradle him unless you are feeding him and even then he sometimes will try to pull himself up into a seated position.
He loves cartoons. Since birth we have played the Baby Einstein Baby Beethoven DVD for him. Initially, the music soothed him and now that his vision is good he absolutely loves the images. Whenever we need to distract him for 30 minutes or calm him down we pop in the DVD. We have now discovered he likes Sesame Street. We think it's the puppets.
He likes being read to. I've started reading to him at night since I can sit him up in my lap without much support and hold the book at the same time. He likes this bedtime book we have with barnyard animals jumping over the moon.
He can grab everything now. His strength is amazing. I absolutely love watching him play with Pepita. Pepita is this toy that you can hang from the car seat or any type of rail. It dangles so he can pull it and once he pulls it will start to vibrate.
We are still adjusting to tummy time. He will now try to push up on his arms but he still prefers to lay on his back and tug at his blanket or Pepita.
Lastly everything cloth goes in his mouth. He absolutely loves eating his bibs and blanket. I have one picture below where he shoved the bath towel in his mouth. Oh and I am not usually an endorser but Carter has like the BEST baby bath towels. Oh and their blankets are amazing. Both are featured below.

Random Camera Pic Time. I don't understand the face.

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