Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Commitments

So I have never been a New Year's Resolution person. Not because I don't believe in them or anything, but mainly because I used to be such a goal oriented person that I was constantly working on various goals throughout the year. It just never made sense for my life to pick goals at the beginning of the year. Honestly, since graduating from college I have been letting my life just happen without me actually trying to structure it or plan ahead. This is largely due to the fact that after years of being the kind of person that needed to plan ahead and prepare for my next step I just wanted to relax. I am the daughter of teen parents, so I grew up fast. I had a lot of responsibilities and my parents, in an effort to ensure I did not follow in their steps, placed a lot of expectations on me. Now this is not said to sound like a sad story where I was deprived of a childhood or something because that is far from the truth. It's just a little different when you are the product of teen parents. So after growing up as a child that was always setting goals for herself and planning everything in advance all I wanted to do was live life carefree. I think its time to end this trend; my life needs some structure and goals. Waiting until after my cub was born may not have been the best idea but for lack of a better phrase "it is what it is". The below are my Steps to a Better Cassandra:

1. Enroll into Grad School- For almost two years I have been going back and forth on obtaining a MPH (Public Health) or a MPA (Public Administration with a track in Health care Administration). Well the wonderful Georgia State University has a dual MPA/MPH program. So I need to resume my GRE studies and apply. Please pray for my successful acceptance into the program.

2. Have more girl time- I love The Husband and he is my best friend. I love that we can just sit on the couch and crack up all day just spending time together. Well outside my husband I have three close girlfriends one of which lives 4.5 hours away, the other is way too busy, and the last one we spend time together like three times a year. The last one is sad because we both stay in the Metro Area. I am determined to have more "me time and girl time". I plan to start a book club, add at least one more girl to my friend list, and have one girl/me outing a month.

3. Get fit-The post pregnancy body is truly a marvel. No one talks about the real gritty stuff that happens to your body after a baby. Oh I heard that it would change and I would have a new "mommy figure". Yeah but no one said that my stomach would resemble cottage cheese housed in saran wrap. No one told me that if my husband poked my stomach his finger would disappear into my folds that now have the consistency of that Gak stuff that children play with. Oh and don't get me started with the droopy, saggy, flat and downright  unattractive parts. Well, off to the gym it is for me. Thankfully I have free access to workout equipment and classes through my job. Additionally I have talked my lovely coworkers into a Get It Together Accountability Program. Everyone in my office is saying they need to work on something or lose weight so starting tomorrow we will weigh in bi-weekly and take our waist measurements. We are also planning to go to Piedmont as a group every Tuesday and Thursday to get in some cardio.

Well, let's see how this goes...

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