Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cub Update

So, it has been a while since I gave a cub update. Life is in a bit of a whirlwind right now so I haven't had the time to put the fingers to the keyboard and pound out an update. Life with mini person (what I lovingly call toddlers) is ever changing, challenging, and adventurous. The cub is developing at lightening speed. Every day I wake up to a different kid. Some things I've noted about my offspring so far....

1) He has a weird sense of humor

My son laughs at injuries and fart sounds. I'm sure I could have used a better word or said gas but I need to capture that it's the really disgusting sounding ones. He enjoys it more when he produces the noise. Mommy of course does not respond properly to these situations so he prefers when Daddy is around because undoubtedly my husband will delight in it too. I don't get it and I chalk this up to one of the many things I'm sure I will not understand due to my estrogen levels.

2) He is a thrill seeker

If it's not dangerous, he's not interested. Why is my not even 18 month old son trying to jump off the back of the sofa. He just squeals with delight. Even the husband gets a little squeamish at some of the dare devil stunts the cub pulls. Needless to say I have added the Aflac hospital supplemental insurance to my plan.

3) He is a social butterfly

This one I should have seen coming. I mean I am his mother after all. My son literally goes through the mall, store, and almost anywhere waving to everyone and saying the two words he has mastered flawlessly, bye and hi. If the person responds then it is full on toddler talk. Oh and don't get me started on body language. Hands, shoulders, head nods and all. He is so animated when he talks. Apparently, shyness is not a factor. Whenever we go to Barnes and Noble or any place where children are freely roaming my son will just walk up to the other children and begin playing or initiate a conversation. Most children don't respond to him but it doesn't seem to bother him.

I have my hands full with this one.

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