There isn't a super villain I can think of that is stronger, more evil, or devastating as the tantrum. My 17 month old cub has discovered and I think mastered the art of the tantrum. His sweet angelic face twists and morphs into a face of anger and dare I say hatred. Gone are his soft curls, rosy plump cheeks, and wistful eyelashes. Who new something so small and cute could curdle the blood in your veins and hurl you into the blackest abyss of frustration? I was informed that I wouldn't have to deal with this until two years of age. I mean that is why it's called the terrible twos. WRONG people. Don't drink the kool-aid. Apparently, this little phase starts once the child is able to express himself. Or at least that is what my pediatrician said during my cub's last doctor visit. I get the impression the doctor thinks that this is something fantastic or wonderful because he said it with the biggest smile on his face. All the while my cub continued to "express himself" throughout the doctor visit.
So, what are mommy and daddy doing to address this behaviour. We've done the reading and the advice seeking.
Action: Ignore him when he displays an undesired behaviour. Allow tantrum to happen and ensure he is in a safe place.
Result: Increased volume of the shrills and heightened flailing of body to the floor and kicking.
Action: Place him in his crib/play pen and say "Antonio this is not how we behave when....(insert undesired behaviour)".
Result: Increased volume of the shrills and intensity of the crying.
Action: Use a soft calming voice to soothe the frustrated toddler. After all most tantrums occur because a toddler is frustrated because of his lack of ability to express/communicate desires.
Result: If not already crying, then crying which can lead to high shrills, kicking, and flailing of the body.
Oh by the way that last one is bull larky. My toddler has no problem expressing or communicating his desires. He makes it very clear what he desires and he makes it very clear that he is not pleased when that desire is not satisfied. This brings me to the last suggestion.
Action: Remove tempting items that may lead to a tantrum if toddler is not allowed to have it.
Result: Things that you would never imagine would be tempting to a toddler becomes tempting. Toddler finds new items to explore or want. I am about to remove every item and piece of furniture out of my house.
So, here is my advice. Having a toddler is like being on a roller coaster ride. It can be exhilarating, adventurous, and down right out boy I'm glad I chose that ride. But along this ride are the scary hills, loops, and dare devil stunts that you have no choice but to throw your hands in the air and let it take you. Just don't close your eyes....toddlers move fast.
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