Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Feeding the Spirit

I've always read God's word as a means to gain understanding regarding a topic, to learn what the bible says about this topic or that. Recently, I began a daily devotional not in search of anything in particular but as a part of me building myself in Christ and strengthening my relationship with Him. 
Along this journey I've had several Ah Ha moments and felt led to share them through my blog. But I'm a child and unfortunately my lack of follow through resulted in disobedience. We'll this morning I want to be obedient.
"That according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being"
Ephesians 3:16 NIV
Through my obedience to these daily devotionals I've seen so much growth in myself. I hear God's voice more clearly and am able to see the behind the scenes work of God in my life. Some of the vices I struggle with are becoming easier to control and behavior/traits that is pleasing to God but have always been opposite my character are manifesting. I have often prayed to God for patience, asking Him to increase my patience or show me how to be patient. I don't know why we pray to God to do things or make things happen that we are empowered to do ourselves. Well, that patience never came. Then I deluded myself into thinking it wasn't meant for me to be patient. The other day a colleague referred to me as patient. I was blown away.
Last week I clearly heard God instructing me to have a much needed conversation with a coworker in which I was to apologize to this individual. Prior to God speaking to me I didn't know or realize that I had behaved in a way that required me to apologize to this person. Let me shed light on the magnitude of what God was leading me to do. Cassandra doesn't apologize even when I know I've done wrong. Admitting I'm wrong and saying sorry are two huge problems I have. So, to ask this same person to apologize when she doesn't feel she has done wrong is monumental. Of course God revealed my actions to me which despite being harmless were not Christ-like. Well, I committed that I would be obedient and yesterday I initiated the conversation and apologized. I could feel both my heart and spirit swell; it was powerful.
When I came across the scripture I provided earlier it all came together. My spiritual growth has been a direct result of my daily bible devotional. The revelation I had is that as I feed my spirit it grows. More importantly as I feed my spirit nutritious food, God's word, it grows. Such a simple concept that although I've heard a thousand times in church I never fully understood until my devotional this morning. Yes, study the word so you know what is says about marriage, fornication, etc. But more importantly, study to feed and strengthen your spirit so it will have the power over your flesh, so it's voice is the loudest in the room, so it's light can shine for others to see. If you are a child of God and this is not the case for you-what are you feeding your spirit; are you feeding your spirit? Don't let it be malnourished.
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  1. Awesome post Cassandra! I like getting those Ah Ha! moments. I end up looking at people and life in a whole new way. Sometimes for some strange reason I want to go back to my old way of thinking but the revelation won't let me. So, I have to keep moving forward, even if I fall down, I'll fall forward.

    1. I completely agree and love the "I'll fall forward".
